Shilhouettes from the past.

One of the most wonderful things about poems and verse is the wonderful way in which the words on the page can bring forth great emotion. It is easy to see how poetry has been linked to romanticism for over a hundred years, as it depicts the glorious feelings of a loved filled heart, or the utter destruction of a broken heart. Above everything else though, one of the reasons that I enjoy a well written poem, is because of its ability to make me stop, think, and reflect.

With the publication on the third book of poems and verse by Ted Morgan, such an instance occurred. Ted’s first two books, Wordsmith’s Wanderings, and Peregrinations of the Wordsmith, painted a wonderful picture of one man and his approach to an ever changing world. Ted who is now 81 very beautifully used his poems and verse to show how he coped with a world that has become something radically different from his youth, often using humour in his workings to show his frustration and confusion, and both books provided a wonderful insight to his daily life, whilst creating a very enjoyable and easy to read collection of his favourite works.

His new book Silhouette Soldiers I feel really opens up the man, and brings the reflective and insightful aspect of his work into full focus, and it is in his new works that I have found myself often sat thinking and considering not just my own life, but the lives of all of us.


Front Cover of Silhouette Soldiers by Ted Morgan.

Again there is great depths to his work, and some very heartfelt poems, but he also has that wonderful streak of humour to make you smile and chuckle at the absurd aspects of modern life. I do feel this books shows a deeper insight to his whole life, and the opening poem from which the book is titled, Silhouette Soldiers, paints a picture of events that happened long before Ted’s birth, and yet had a profound effect on all of his life.

Ted’s father was shot in the head during World War One, and left for dead on the battlefield. Luckily he was taken by the German’s and nursed back to health, and spent the remainder of the war as a POW. It was 20 years after his return that Ted was born, and although he returned from war a different man, it is clear the profound effect it had on Ted growing up. Sadly mainly due to the effects of his wounds, Ted’s father died when he was only nine years old, and it is in this aspect of Ted’s life that I began to see how profound an effect it has had not only on his life, but on his writing.


Ted Morgan as a small Boy

Silhouette Soldiers is a wonderful reminder that all of us have a past, of which whether we are aware of it or not, actually shapes the people we become. All of us struggle in our daily lives, we all have to soldier on dealing with whatever life throws at us, sometimes with tears and also with smiles. Many of us forget that we are sum total of all that has been before us, and Ted’s new collection of poems and verse really made me stop and think. We all have a silhouette of one form or another in our past history, be it a person or an event that has in some way shaped the people we have become, and this wonderful little book is a very good reminder to not only make us think, but also inspire us to keep moving on and adapting to whatever comes next.

This is without doubt Ted’s best book yet, not only does it reveal the great depths of whom Ted is, it is also a good reminder for us to take a moment and think. As always there are some works that will touch you deeply, but you will also find yourself seeing the joy of life and chuckle. It is a great conversation starter that belongs on the coffee table, but is also a wonderful companion in those quieter moments.

Silhouette Soldier’s by Ted Morgan ISBN 978-1-910299-19-7 is available from all online book sources and can be ordered from all books shops, it is also available in digital formats too.